GEAR – Green Economy for Advanced Region
On 1 March 2018, FORS Montenegro started with the implementation of a new project “GEAR – Green Economy for Advanced Region” with the aim of increasing the activities and impact of civil society organisations from Montenegro, Serbia, B&H, Macedonia and Albania in the environmental protection through networking strengthening their capacities and promoting green economy.
A three-year project will be implemented in the above-mentioned countries, and its main activities include trainings for representatives of civil society organisations on green economy, public advocacy and lobbying, participation in decision making, monitoring of public policies, project cycle management, etc., familiarisation with good practice models in green economy and green entrepreneurship through study visit to EU and presentations organised in the target countries, sub-granting for civil society organisations, regional conferences on green economy and green entrepreneurship, development of a Study on possibilities for the development of green economy in the target region, etc.
The project is implemented in partnership with organisations SMART Kolektiv from Serbia, Centre for support and development from B&H, EKO Svest from Macedonia and Association Slap from Croatia.
The project is financed by the European Union within Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2016-2017.