The project “The Preventive Actions in the Reproductive Health Sector – PARHS” implemented within the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia – Montenegro and financed by the European Union had the aim to improve reproductive health of women in the cross-border area between Serbia and Montenegro and the main target group of the project were women in reproductive age.
The project was implemented in the municipalities of Nikšic, Pljevlja, Berane, Raška and Novi Pazar in cooperation with the Montenegrin Ministry of Health, Helath Centres from target municipalities and the Regional Development Agency from Sandžak – SEDA.
The project included activities which, on one side, improved the quality of health services in the target municipalities through procurement of the equipment and organisation of trainings for doctors and medical staff, and, on the other side, raised awareness of the target group on the importance of preventive examinations for preserving reproductive health through active informative campaign.
The total value of the equipment procured for the health centres in the target municipalities in Montenegro was € 102,804.68.
The implementation of the project started on 1 August 2012 and lasted till 31 January 2014.
Within the project the publications on the following topics were developed:
The TV spot developed within the project for inviting women to take their preventive examinations can be viewed here: