Social entrepreneurship

The aim of the SEEM project was to contribute to employment of youth, women and long-term unemployed through their capacity building and promotion of social entrepreneurship as a means of self-employment which at the same time contributes to solving certain social problems.
Main project activities included trainings on Social Entrepreneurship, Business Plan Writing, Marketing, Internet Marketing, Management in Social Enterprises, Competition in Writing Business Plans, study visit to successful social enterprises in Croatia, presentation of good practice examples of social enterprises, publications (Manual and brochures on Social Entrepreneurship), Conference on possibilities for the development of social entrepreneurship, round tables with representatives of state and local authorities, training on project writing and implementation, awareness raising campaign (media activities, workshops, presentations, etc.). The main target groups of the project were youth, women and long-term unemployed.
The following publications were developed within the project:
Brochure on Social Entrepreneurship
Brochure on Good practice examples in social entrepreneurship
Manual for Social Entrepreneurship
The project was implemented by FORS Montenegro in partnership with the Association Slap from Croatia and it is funded by the European Union within the Grant scheme “Youth, women and long-term unemployed at the labour market”, which is part of the Operational Programme “Human Resource Development 2012-2013”, financed through the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), for whose implementation the Ministry of Work and Social Welfare of Montenegro is responsible. The project was also financially supported by UNESCO through Participation Programme 2016-2017, through the National Committee of Montenegro for UNESCO.