
About us

FORS Montenegro – Foundation for the Development of Northern Montenegro is a regional development organisation founded in 2006, as a non-profit non-governmental organisation. FORS Montenegro implements projects in cooperation with local authorities, ministries, civil society organisations, educational and health institutions, protection and rescue services, cultural centres and organisations, tourist organisations, etc. The main goals of FORS Montenegro are socio-economic development, environmental protection and civil society development.

So far, we have implemented numerous projects in different areas, such as environmental protection, sustainable development, agriculture, tourism, protection from natural and other hazards, health, education, etc., funded by domestic and international donors and within which we achieved significant results.

We develop our projects by identifying problems together with citizens and institutions and jointly work on their solution, through projects and available funds which enable us to contribute to the improvement of the existing situation through our own work. Our motto is Facta, non verba…

Tamara Todorovic – Project Implementation Manager