
Round table on Best EU Practice in Flood Protection

A round table on Best EU Practice in Flood Protection has been organised in Podgorica today with the aim to exchange the experiences, good practice models and lessons learned when it comes to this natural hazard. The round table was attended by representatives of the Directorate of Emergency Management, municipal protection and rescue services from Podgorica, Bar and Ulcinj and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. During the round table, the participants discussed about personal and collective protection and rescue equipment, good practice examples in flood management and risk assessment, as well as about the EU Floods Directive.

Before the round table, a Seminar on this topic was organised in Shkodra, Albania on 11 and 12 February during which participants – representatives of the protection and rescue institutions and services – had the opportunity to learn about experiences and good practice models in the activities directed at improvement of protection and rescue from floods from their colleagues from Croatian Mountain and Rescue Service.

The round table was organised within a project “Disasters do not know borders“ which is implemented by FORS Montenegro and the Ministry of Interior – Directorate for Emergency Management. The project is funded by the European Union within the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Montenegro – Albania, and co-funded in Montenegro by the Ministry of Public Administration. The Contracting Authority for the project is the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro – Directorate for Finance and Contracting of the EU Assistance Funds.

The project “Disasters do not know borders”, implemented in Montenegro and Albania has the aim to strengthen capacities of institutions and services from Montenegro and Albania dealing with protection and rescue for disaster risk reduction, as well as raising awareness of the local population on the risks of floods. It is implemented in

The project is implemented in Podgorica, Bar and Ulcinj in Montenegro and the region of Shkorda in partnership with the Prefecture of Shkodra.
