
Study visit to good practice examples in Green Economy and Green Entrepreneurship in Croatia organised for civil society organisations from Montenegro and the neighbouring region

Within the project GEAR – Green Economy for Advanced Region, a study visit to good practice examples in Green Economy and Green Entrepreneurship was organised for civil society organisations from Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, North Macedonia and Albania. The study visit took place in in Osijek-Baranja County in Croatia, from 15 to 17 April 2019. Total of 26 participants coming from these countries who, through the activities of their organisations and their personal attitudes and actions, value and protect natural heritage, were connected by their “green“ way of thinking and pursuit of sustainable development. By visiting various successful examples in this area during the study visit they further strengthened their attitudes, gained valuable experience and collected ideas which they would like to apply and share in their own communities. More information on the implemented study visit programme you can see here.
