
Traffic safety of kids near the school improved

In order to improve traffic safety of kids on their way to school, as well as the safety of all other traffic participants, two radar speed signs have been placed near the Primary School “Braća Ribar” in Nikšić. The purpose of these signs is to preventively influence drivers to reduce their traffic speed by making them aware of it and in case of exceeding speed limit, warn them to reduce the speed by the message “SLOW DOWN! SCHOOL!”
The location of the radar speed signs has been recognised by the Secretariat for Utility and Traffic of the Municipality of Nikšić as one of the most-at-risk when it comes to traffic safety of kids near schools.

As this is a pilot project, if such way of improving traffic safety proves well in practice and become recognised as such by the relevant authorities, in the first place the Ministry of Interior, we will try to improve the safety near other schools as well, in this or similar way, through some future projects.
Also, educational lectures on traffic safety will be organised for students in order to contribute to their improved safety.
Radar speed signs, whose value is around € 5,700, have been procured within the project Improvement of Tourism and Traffic Signage, funded by the European Union through Cross-border Cooperation Programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro.
