
Quiz on Disaster Risk Reduction

Within the project DIRECT – DIsaster REsilient Communities and Towns a quiz on disaster risk reduction was held for students of the 9th grade of 4 primary schools. The main aim of the quiz was to familiarise the students with the risks of natural and other hazards, their effects and guidelines for preventive actions which can significantly reduce the consequences of disasters.

Four team participated in the quiz from the following 4 primary schools: PS “Ratko Žarić” from Nikšić, PS “Njegoš” from Danilovgrad, PS “Vlado Milić” from Podgorica and PS “Pavle Rovinski” from Podgorica which was also the host of the event. In addition to the knowledge gained on disaster risk reduction, the students won valuable prizes for their schools – a lap top computer, a desktop computer, projectors and a printer. Also, promotional items made within the project (including backpacks, T-shirts, publications, notebooks, USB sticks and umbrellas) were distributed to them.

Apart from raising the awareness of the students on disaster risk reduction, this activity had the aim to connect schools and students from different municipalities as well as to encourage team work and volunteering and strengthen cooperation between educational institutions.

The quiz was organised by FORS Montenegro and Directorate for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior of Montenegro, in cooperation with the schools.

The project DIRECT – DIsaster REsilient Communities and Towns is implemented by FORS Montenegro and the Directorate for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior of Montenegro, in partnership with the Protection and Rescue Service of the Municipality of Kranj from Slovenia, Fire and Rescue Brigade of the Moravian-Silesian Region of the Czech Republic and Czech Association of Fire Officers. The project is funded by the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) of the European Commission (DG ECHO).

The aim of the project is to improve preparedness of local communities, institutions and services for more efficient response to a growing number of natural and man-made hazards and the main project activities include trainings for rescuers on protection and rescue in case of fires, floods, earthquakes, etc., field protection and rescue exercises, trainings on Disaster Risk Reduction – DRR, development of evacuation plans for schools and local communities, awareness raising campaign related to disaster risks, study visit to EU, etc.

One of the most important results of the project is the improvement of international cooperation in the area of disaster risk reduction which enables exchange of experiences and good practice models both between institutions and services dealing with protection and rescue and rescuers who often face the same challenges and tasks in their work.

The photos of the quiz can be viewed here.
