
Training and exercise for rescuers on “Protection from Fires” organised in Slovenia

A training and exercise on Protection from Fires for rescuers from Montenegro, Slovenia and the Czech Republic were organised in Slovenia from 15 to 19 October and attended by 11 representatives from Montenegro. The training included theoretical and practical work with simulation of real fires, while the demonstration exercise was organised on the last day enabling the participants to test and demonstrate knowledge and skills gained during the training. Participation in the training and exercise enabled learning about contemporary techniques and methods of fire extinguishing, including extinguishing by helicopters, testing of their level of preparedness as well as the exchange of knowledge and experience with their colleagues from other countries. The training and exercise were organised within the project DIRECT – DIsaster REsilient Communities and Towns funded by the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) of the European Commission (DG ECHO) and are second events in a series devoted to capacity building of rescuers for acting in case of different emergencies. Previously, in June this year, a training and exercise on Rescuing in case of traffic accidents were organised in the Czech Republic.

The project is implemented by FORS Montenegro and the Directorate for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior of Montenegro, in partnership with the Protection and Rescue Service of the Municipality of Kranj from Slovenia, Fire and Rescue Brigade of the Moravian-Silesian Region of the Czech Republic and Czech Association of Fire Officers. The aim of the project is to improve preparedness of local communities, institutions and services for more efficient response to a growing number of natural and man-made hazards.

Main project activities include trainings for rescuers on protection and rescue in case of fires, floods, earthquakes, etc., field protection and rescue exercises, trainings on Disaster Risk Reduction – DRR, development of evacuation plans for schools and local communities, awareness raising campaign related to disaster risks, study visit to EU, international conferences on DRR, etc.

Apart from the main activities, the project will, through strengthening the international cooperation in this area, lead to the exchange of experiences and good practice models, both between the protection and rescue institutions and services and between rescuers who often face the same tasks and challenges in their work.
