Building capacities for efficient response in case of natural and other disasters
In order to improve readiness for efficient response in case of natural and other disasters, a Training on Disaster Risk Reduction was held in Kolašin, from 19 to 22 June. Total of 21 participants from local authorities, educational and health institutions attended the training, and the lecturers were representatives of the Directorate for Emeregncy Management of the Ministry of Interior of Montenegro – Radomir Šćepanović, Milan Radović, Zorica Marković and Ljiljana Vučetić.
During the four-day training, the participants learned about key concepts pf disaster risk reduction, Strategy for disaster risk reduction in Montenegro with a Dynamic activity plan for the implementation of the Strategy for the period from 2018 to 2023, international initiatives and cooperation in the area of disaster risk reduction, components of disaster risk management at national and local level, identification, assessment and monitoring of risks, as well as the organisation and functioning of the protection and rescue system in Montenegro. A special emphasis during the training was put on the creation of protection and rescue plans, so the lecturers from the Directorate for Emergency Management explained the contents of the planning documents, the procedure of creation and adoption of plans, as well as procedures for employees and students in case of an emergency.
Apart from the improvement of knowledge and skills for disaster risk reduction, the aim of the training was to exchange experiences and improve the collaboration between local authorities, educational and health institutions in the area of joint actions in order to create resilient communities.
The training was organised within the project DIRECT – DIsaster REsilient Communities and Towns implemented by FORS Montenegro and the Directorate for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior of Montenegro, in partnership with the Protection and Rescue Service of the Municipality of Kranj from Slovenia, Fire and Rescue Brigade of the Moravian-Silesian Region of the Czech Republic and Czech Association of Fire Officers. The project is funded by the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) of the European Commission (DG ECHO).