Cross-border quiz on Disaster Risk Reduction – DRR

In order to mark the International Day of Disaster Risk Reduction a cross-border quiz for high school students was organised in Nikšić, on 13 October, in order to raise their awareness on dangers of natural and other hazards, their consequences and preventive and other actions which should be undertaken.
Eight teams from eight high schools from Gacko, Foča, Jablanica, Konjic, Nikšić, Šavnik, Žabljak and Plužine took part in the quiz, with the High School of Economics and Catering in Nikšić as the host of the quiz. The winners won valuable prizes for their schools – a computer, multifunctional device and a printer. The Combined High School “17. septembar” from Žabljak received a computer as a first place prize, the High School of Economics and Catering from Nikšić received a multifunctional device as a second place prize and the High School from Jablanica received a printer. Other schools received scanners as consolation prizes.
Before the quiz, a series of lectures on this topic was organised in high schools, adjusted to the age and interests of students and attended by around 500 students. They also received publications on disaster risk reduction, fires and the 112 number. We often forget that even in cases when we are not directly hit by a disaster, its consequences are indirectly felt and all of us have to work on prevention and preparedness, because disaster risk reduction is everyone’s business. In that process, the young are a very important target group, which, if adequately informed and prepared, can significantly contribute to the fight against hazards. Apart from awareness raising, this project activity had a goal of connecting schools and students from different municipalities as well as strenghtening cross-border cooperation between educational institutions.
The quiz was organized within the project “Cross-border Fire Protection” financed by the European Union through Cross-border Cooperation Programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro and implemented by FORS Montenegro, Directorate for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior of Montenegro, the Ministry of Security of BiH and Institute for Protection of Fires and Explosions from Sarajevo.